Harmony Explosion MoCo 2023
Join us at 5:30 pm on Saturday, January 21 at Neelsville Presbyterian Church for a FREE CONCERT,
featuring barbershop style a cappella singing by the students, Harmony Express, and our featured guests,
The Quin-Tones.
Harmony Express is proud to be hosting students from Seneca Valley and Clarksburg High Schools at
Harmony Explosion MoCo 2023 Saturday, January 21, 2023. Students will learn about the barbershop sound
and prepare two songs in the style. The Quin-Tones, who will be serving as clinicians throughout the day, won
the Next Generation Junior Barbershop Quartet Championship for age 17 and under in 2019. Each high school
will also have an opportunity to showcase some songs from their repertoire during the evening performance.
Harmony Explosion MoCo 2023 is funded in part by Harmony Foundation International and the
Maryland State Arts Council, with support from Barbershop Harmony Society, the Quin-Tones,
and Tessa Walker (choir director at Seneca Valley HS and a barbershopper herself!).